Thursday, January 20, 2022


We are hunters in the dark
We fight for love, we fuel the spark
The Shadows lengthen all around
The night grows deep –yet still the sound
The call, the song, the cry the scream
Burns in our blood, weaves through our veins

We fight for them–the weak, the small
Next to the light, our shadows tall
We fuel the flames through tears, despair
We slay the lie that 'no one cares'

Though just a cry, a whispered breath,
Our call to arms puts fear to death
Through mumbled prayers, silent pleas
We garner strength to lend the weak
And though we cannot reach them all
We sound alarms, we cry, we call
And into larger hands than ours
Give to the one who made the stars
Each lonely soul and riven heart
And still we fan the dying spark
With loud defiance, silent tears
With sounding call with time and years

And so through every aching night
Through sleepless dreams and lonely fight
Through every hour spent in pain,
groping for proof you're not alone
Know this, my friend; you don't know me,
But by your side, I'll gladly bleed
So when you think there's no one there
Remember this; we see, we care
We may not know your deepest woe
But we'll bear arms to fight your foes

'til every last and breaking heart
Leaves loved and fuller than before
So lean on us, brother, on me
You'll find we don't break easily
Be honest—share your hurt, your griefs
We'll strive to bring you comfort, peace

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Dawn Shadows

In silent shadows walked alone,
In silver meadows before dawn
In dreams of yearning yet undone
She dwelt in contemplation

A silver pipe was by her side,
Its music haunting lullabies
Its aching tunes throughout the night
Were heard by man and beast alike

Many turned in sad dismay
No hope was heard in this array
Of notes weaved thus so sorrowfully

Yet one, he heard and hearkened then
And came with yearnings deep as hers
They met in shadows before dawn
And filled the void of night with words

The tune she sang, a longing one,
Was joined by harmonies of bronze
Then gold became the notes they sang,
In darkened shadows before dawn

For in her voice, when joined with his,
A blade of light pierced through the mist
The souls of longing and hope kissed
As on they sang and light it sprang
from in the dark where walked these souls
Their sorrow melting in the dawn
As light realized what they had known
And felt and feared and hoped was true
That love could truly conquer all,
But only when ‘twas self did fall
Upon the sword that slays his pride
For love is true when self has died.