Tabari, Thorma.
"Juke was hatched in the year 491, in the country of Najja, in a small village by the name of Fife. Before the Kind, the association of Dragons and Riders, had officially been established in 621, every egg that was conceived was taken and brought to a city of Najja, Misoug. There they were collected and representatives of the Gathered, as they were called, took the eggs and traveled the world, bringing them to the people, so that they could lay their hands on the eggs and hopefully become Picked by the Dragons that rested inside of them. Not much is known about the biology of an unhatched Dragon (see Chapter 4), so there are still many questions. But as we know, and have talked about previously in this book, reader, each Dragon can sense the presence of his Rider when that person draws near and lays a hand on the egg. Even hatched Dragons are not fully sure how to explain the feeling that comes over them when they are ready to be hatched. It must be much like the unborn child, who comes forth into our world at a precise time, yet no one knows how the baby can decide such a thing. After the Order of Wizards was formed and the Gathered disbanded soon after, the eggs were always brought to the city of Amah, in Tabari. Great hordes of people flock to the Gatherings, as they are still called, to touch the eggs there, and see if they could possibly become Picked and rise to the ranks of the legendary Riders. It was on a cold autumn morning, late in the year 491, that brought the future Rider Popor to one of these Gatherings.
"Popor was a humble human girl, born in the village of Fife and spending her entire life there. Her father being a cobbler they were not rich, yet neither were they extensively poor. Popor grew up under the tutelage of her mother, learning the fine arts of wifery, learning how to cook, clean house, how to engage in insightful conversation, how to be unseen at the appropriate times, and how to be bold at the others. She was a beautiful girl, red hair, radiant smile. Paintings of her can be seen in museums across Najja. She lived a simple life, two siblings both younger than her, a girl and boy. She went to school, she studied hard, she worked with her father at times, and led a happy life. She did not aspire to other things, she kept things simple, pure. Loved by most in her village, respected by the elders, revered by the youngsters, and adored by the single men, it was not her ambition to become a Rider. By those who knew her and wrote about her, they presumed she would have chosen, rather than become a Rider, to live out her life in her village, marrying, bearing children, growing old. Curious how life leads us to places we do not wish to go. I am sad to tell you, kind reader, that if it weren't for the fateful day of the Pickings in Fife, Popor could have had the life she wanted. The life she dreamed of.
"Her father insisted the entire family attend the Gathering. They traveled to the village town hall and entered the building, along with most of the people who lived there. The tradition of the Gatherings was almost a religion to the people in that region of the country. Every year, when the Gathered would come with new eggs, everyone took a day off from work to attend. No one questioned it, and everyone enjoyed it.
"The three eggs that were there that fateful day were three different colours. A yellow, a silver, and a green. The elf lord Murra was present there that day, half brother to Kilnbas, King of the elves. It is mainly by his iteration that this story is known. He knew Juke and Popor well, traveled with them, trained them. It is also by his advice and planning that the Order of the Wizards came into being. But his tale is reserved for another time.
"As Popor and her siblings filed past the eggs along with all the other young and single people in the village, everyone watched. There had not been a single hatching since Jewel, Mother of the Dragons came into being. After her mating with Bani, hatchings had seemed to stop. She and her mate were quite prolific, producing egg after egg, but it had been some time since one had hatched. Most had given up hope, some still held their breath as each young person walked slowly past the three eggs, laying their hands on them one at a time. So it was that the entire room seemed to come alive when the green egg that Popor touched started to wriggle and cracks appeared in its impenetrable shell. The first hatching in nine years! It was quite an occasion.
"Popor and Juke, as her Ride was called, went and stayed in the town of Rose, Najja, until Juke was old enough to fly. Until that time they studied under the tutelage of Murra and learned many things. He taught them of the world and of politics, he taught them many things. They both grew strong and learned to love each other. It wasn't until the year 495, three years after Juke had hatched, that they finally traveled to Tabari to meet with Bani and Thyra and Jewel and Numa and learn about being a true Pair. Within those three years, twelve eggs had hatched, but Juke and Popor could always be proud of the fact that they were the first of their generation.
"Juke and Popor traveled across the waterways between Najja and Tabari with Murra as their guide and he led them to the town of Amah, which was the capitol at that time. That is where Bani and Jewel resided. After meeting with his parents, and being blessed by them, the Pair set out on their own, to the country of Ynwfn. At the time the humans that lived there and the blue elves shared the land, but relations were increasing every day towards hatred and war. Juke and Popor decided to become emissaries to both, being elected as judge over the political decisions made by the two nations, concerning each other. They served with the Ynwfn's for a hundred and sixty years. After that time, they had decided their work done, and handed off the job to another Pair, the brown female Huron and the male human Kal. The elves had decided to leave Ynwfn and start their own country, on the opposite side of the Minotaur Camps. Juke and Popor left to travel, to explore. I wish I could tell you, dear reader, that they had stayed in that land. This story would be half as interesting, and half as sad if that were true.
"Not much is known of the exact events that surround that fateful day. The motivations are even more opaque. Some say that Juke went mad, perhaps bitten by a black Dragon. Some say he was merely under the influence of the newly established Order of the Wizards. We do not, and may never know, of the exact reasonings behind Jukes actions that day. But what he did brought about change for the Kind forever after. No longer were the Dragons and their Riders pressed into instant fame and prestige upon hatching. The Pairs would forever have to establish themselves as worthy of the praise and adulation that the people gave them, working hard at diplomacy and relations to be able to live harmoniously with others. His actions then threw into great doubt the validity of the Kinds honor and reputation. Many afterward doubted the kind words that Bani and Thyra spoke over them, calling them cheats and liars, collaborators. If he knew what he had wrought, perhaps Juke would have handled things differently. We may never know, reader.
"That day, late in the year 666, as they flew over the town of Otac in Ynwfn, the Pair decided to stay and rest. Their journey had been long from Tabari, and both were keen to settle, for a while, in the peaceful village. Popor went in search of proper housing for them while Juke flew into the mountains surrounding the village, to choose from the wildlife that thrived there an appropriate dinner. Nothing is known of what happened to Juke that day, in the forrest. But there were plenty of witnesses there who can tell us exactly what happened when he returned to the village.
"Aa Juke flew back into the village, children all about rejoiced and cheered at his return. Many people there had never seen a Dragon, and it was a great honor to host such a Pair as they were. Popor stood in the middle of the town square, a smile on her face, seemingly eager for her Rides return. The people around her were just as eager to meet the great Dragon they had only heard of in bedtime stories. But his return was not what they were expecting.
"As Juke flew over the tops of the buildings, flames leapt forth from his mouth, catching the thatch roofs and setting them ablaze. The people immediately went into a panic, running about, saving what they could and gathering water to put out the fires. Popor tried to help out where she could, but she was preoccupied with attempting to calm down the Dragon and stop him from razing the town. He flew back and forth, fire leaping from house to house, not giving a care where his destructive maw was pointing. After most of the town was burning, he landed heavily in the middle of the town, where Popor had previously stood herself. And roared. Popor ran up to him, went to place a hand on his leg, and was swatted aside like a faery. She rolled across the dirt road, slamming against the side of a building that was about to fall down. She stood up slowly, just in time to witness the Dragon snatching up a child and eating him whole. Popor ran up in front of the Dragon and screamed at him to his face, challenging him to stop.
"I wish, faithful reader, that we could know what happened between the two of them as they stood in the middle of the burning town, eyes locked, gazes fierce, looks that burned as brightly as the houses that surrounded them. Witnesses all agree that they stood there for several minutes, oblivious to all around them, not moving, solid, firm. To some of those that were there, their internal battle was even more frightening then the town that was slowly disappearing. The mental link between Dragon and Rider is strong. It has been theorized that if one concentrates hard enough, it is possible to overwhelm anthers mind so much that they go insane, and then die. If this is indeed what Juke was attempting, then the strength of Popor is stronger than most believe. Reader, I wish I could tell you this story ends differently. But it is not so.
"After minutes, the Pair finally moved. Juke lowered his head at the exact instant Popor ran toward him. Her sword unsheathed told all present of her intentions. Juke snarled as Popor raised her weapon in attack, but the Dragon was too quick for her. She screamed in frustration at him as she ran forward, and he simply bared his teeth, raised himself on his back legs, and sent a flash of fire and smoke raining down on her head.
"Popor didn't even burn. The flames were so hot her entire body turned immediately to ash and the fire, having nothing to catch on, burned up quickly. Those present caught a glimpse of Popor, her form captured in ghostly memory, before the wind caught at her remains and blew away, mixing with the smoke that blew across the top of the half-village. And thus, dear reader, Popor the Martyr was no more.
"Martyr is the name we use for her today. Why, do you ask? Many have guessed at what happened in the minds of the Pair that day, as they combated against each other in their silent struggle. The most common theory is that Popor learned some terrible secret that day, locked in mental battle with the Dragon. Something that she decided to kill for. Something that she was willing to die for.
"Juke flew off. Never to be seen by the villagers again. He was hunted for years by the Wizard Order and the Kind, always staying just one step away from them. One year, he traveled in secret to the new capitol of Tabari, Thorma. Raiding the Temple of the Wizards, Juke stole a yellow Dragon egg, taking it for his own. No one knows how he did so, but witnesses after that saw him traveling with another Dragon, a yellow female, Riderless like himself. Dragon egg shells are thought to be impenetrable. It was a great sin to bring forth another Dragon, without Picking someone as Rider. She was named Hrono, which is Unknown in the elvish language. Together they were the parents and leaders of the Rogues. For his sins, Jukes name was stricken from the records of Dragon Riders. To be remembered no more. Forever after he was to be called Traitor Juke.
"The Dragon Who Killed His Rider."
Barto finished the tale and sat back, his hands reverently laid on the open pages of the book. He sighed and reached forth, taking the edge of the volume and slowly closing it. It smacked shut, sending up a puff of dust to accentuate the grave story he had just read. He looked up and noticed both girls eyes filled with tears, Cara letting them flow down her neck, Cherise angrily wiping them away. Barto noted it had been a long time since he had even felt a stirring from the Dragon outside. Did Dragons cry? The strange thought passed quickly through his mind. He picked up his tea cup and took a long sip. Cold. It was a few minutes before either of the girls composed themselves enough to speak. Cara looked up at the old elf and gave him wistful smile.
"Thank you, Master Barto, for telling us this story. It is a sad one, indeed, but one I think we needed to hear. Too quick are Pairs inclined to elevate themselves above all others, looked down with scorn. It is humbling to be reminded that even ones as great as Dragons are capable of sin. It's a hard lesson to learn."
The rumbling voice of the Dragon sitting outside entered Barto's mind softly, yet loudly.
"Indeed. I cannot comprehend ever bringing about harm to either one of my Riders. There is no limit to my imagination, yet I cannot conceive of any reason why a Dragon would commit such a horrible crime. Professor Barto, I regret that you do not know the connection between Pairs. The link that I share with Cara and Cherise is greater than any marriage between other people. Not only do I share a life with them, I share a mind. You are experiencing, now, but a small portion of the great bond I have with them. They are more precious to me than anything, or anyone, on this planet. I would raze entire continents before I ever let either one of these lovely girls get hurt. What Juke did was evil. His punishment was too mild." With that, the great beast went silent. They all sat there in the room, each keeping their own thoughts to themselves, each thinking of the story they had just heard. It was Barto who dared speak first.
"Why did you wish to hear of this story? After my father traveled to Ynwfn to bury Popor and learn what happened, he returned to the Order and told them everything he had learned. They instructed him to tell no one of the story, to act as if it had never happened. And it was only among the current Pairs that the facts of Popor's death were told, at least for a while. My father was quite rebellious at times, and he decided to write down this story. He was a terrible writer." Barto laughed at his joke. "When I came back here to retire, I took his rough story and embellished it, adding it to my history book. I think it's a story that needs to be known. Why do you need to know it?"
Cherise looked at the old elf and spoke.
"We are traveling to Ynwfn, to assist a mercenary in retrieving the Aszkastone from the Finngalese. There are rumours that the stone is somehow connected to Popor. We don't know how. We thought it would be beneficial to know what happened to her. It could help in our search."
Barto nodded slowly, gazing off into the flame that still flickered in the fireplace. He seemed to lose himself in thought for a bit, and Cara almost interrupted his thoughts when he spoke.
"The Aszkastone. The Star of Aszka. Hoarded by the Minotaurs. Interesting."
Cherise let the comment go, but for some reason Cara thought it worthwhile to question.
"Do you know something about the Stone? Any information would be helpful."
It took Barto a minute to realise that he had been spoken too. He turned slowly to the young girl and smiled kindly at her. Leaning forward, he reached out his hands and grasped the girls hands with his. He gripped them and looked deep into their eyes. The Dragon overheard everything.
"Whatever I know about the Stone of Aszkatermarkcah, I will keep to myself. Not every story needs be told."
Cara could sense that he would give no more information, and smiled, grasping his hand with both of hers. Cherise, either by emulation or simply a reflex, copied her sisters grasp. Cara looked deep into the eyes of the wizened elf.
"Than you, Master elf. You have been extremely hospitable to us. But I'm afraid our mission must continue. I hope we can take you up on your offer to return here after we get back from Ynwfn."
Barto smiled and let the two girls help him up.
"Of course! As I said, the story of your Picking must be one of great potential! I can see it now, as if I've already written it. 'Chapter 33. The Picking of the Two, or, Conversations with the Triple Pair'. Yes, I quite like that. But you must hurry back! Elf I may be, but we do not live forever. There is no telling how many more years these old bones have left in them, if any."
Cherise laughed out loud and leaned forward to give the man a kiss on the cheek.
"I doubt very much that you will have aged a day before we will have time to return to you."
"With such a pretty figure on my mind such as yourself, my dear, perhaps I can will myself not to die off before I see you again in person. But until then, goodbye. And AYmulayo."
Yosh joined in with the girls in the traditional elvish farewell. Then the door closed on the man.
Cara turned to her sister and opened up her mind so that Yosh could overhear.
"Right then. To Ynwfn?"
They both agreed enthusiastically.
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