Friday, July 30, 2021

The Urge - Part 11

Miguel stopped and bent down to examine the ground beneath his feet. He couldn’t see anything through the mud, but he knew what he had heard. Miguel cursed under his breath. He was already sour about the rain, and now he was going to be irreparably muddy. 
Miguel thought about coming back at a later time, but decided to bite bullet and knelt down on the wet grass. Using his hands, Miguel started to clear away as much mud as he could. He very quickly realized that the wood underneath was no accident. As he wiped the mud away, he found the distinct outline of a door set with large metal hinges. 
He continued to clean the door until he found the handle, a cut in the wood just big enough for his hand. 
Miguel looked around to see if anyone was watching. Content that he was alone, Miguel sent a quick prayer for protection, and lifted the handle. 
The space beneath the door was dark. Through the small amount of light that came through, Miguel could make out a set of stairs. They were very steep; Miguel would have to crawl through the opening for the first bit until he was able to stand. The stairs led down at an angle that seemed to wrap around the reservoir above. 
Miguel pushed the door all the way open so as to give himself as much light as possible, and started down the stairs. 
As he suspected, the cave opened up considerably once he was inside. A few steps down, and Miguel was able to stand fully erect. However, Miguel was now unable to see anything in front of him. He carefully made his way down the stairs, feeling each step before committing to place his weight on it. 
Miguel kept his hands out to either side so he could feel the cave walls. He could tell the stairs crept slightly to the left as they descended following a wide spiral. 
After a few moments, Miguel was fairly certain he was just underneath the cave opening having made one full revolution. As he took his next step, Miguel felt his face strike the end of the passage with a resounding thud. Miguel let out a small yelp. He placed his hands on the cave wall and felt more wood. 
Miguel fumbled to either side seeking a handle. Miguels hand finally fell on a metal doorknob on the right hand side of the door. Miguel gasped and excitedly turned the knob. 
As the door swung open, light poured into the stairwell. Miguel pushed it all the way open. 
He had hardly taken a single step when he was met face to face by a man. Before Miguel could defend himself, the man swung a giant club and Miguel’s world went black. 
Miguel landed on the floor in a heap, out cold. 
The man grasped Miguel’s wrists and pulled him into the room. 
His captor quickly grabbed a torch from the wall and started up the stairs. The man ran up the stairs to the top and stuck his head out of the opening. Seeing no one near the entrance, the man closed the trap door and hurried back down to the chamber below. 
The man closed the door behind him and stared at Miguel lying on the floor. 
“Well.” The man said to himself. “I did not expect this”

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